- Automobile is a word having all 5 vowels. There are other words too.
- The shortest word used in English containing all five vowels is iouea.
- The shortest 4 syllable word used in English is iouea.
- There are only two words in dictionary that end with 'gry'. One is 'hundry' and other is 'angry'.
- The word ‘set’ has the highest number of definitions.
- Month, orange, silver, and purple do not rhyme with any other word.
- A pangram is a sentence that contains every letter in the language. For example, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
- The longest word in the English language is 45 letters long: “Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.” It is the scientific name for a type of lung disease.
- The chess term “checkmate” is from a 14th-century Arabic phrase, “shah mat,” meaning “the king is helpless.”
- All the days in a week; Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are named after Roman gods.